Gaya Kate Middleton kembali mencuri perhatian saat turnya ke Boston, Amerika Serikat. Bertemu dengan Walikota Boston, Michelle Wu, Kate tampil dalam busana serba hijau.
Sang Princess of Wales memakai coat rancangan label Alexander McQueen dan menenteng tas dari Mulberry. Di balik mantelnya, Kate berbalut gaun motif tartan warna hijau kreasi Burberry.
Pilihan busananya kali ini cukup berbeda dengan gayanya ketika tiba di bandara yang mana berbalut setelan jas ungu rancangan Alexander McQueen.
 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS – NOVEMBER 30: (NO UK Sales For 28 Days Post Create Date) Prince William, Prince of Wales and Catherine, Princess of Wales visit Boston City Hall to start the countdown to The Earthshot Prize Awards Ceremony on November 30, 2022 in Boston, Massachusetts. The Prince and Princess of Wales are visiting the coastal city of Boston to attend the second annual Earthshot Prize Awards Ceremony, an event which celebrates those whose work is helping to repair the planet. During their trip, which will last for three days, the royal couple will learn about the environmental challenges Boston faces as well as meeting those who are combating the effects of climate change in the area. (Photo by Samir Hussein – Pool/WireImage)/ Foto: WireImage/Samir Hussein – Pool
Terlepas dari tampilannya yang modis dan elegan, pilihan Kate untuk mengenakan kreasi busana dan aksesori buatan desainer Inggris patut dipuji.
 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS – NOVEMBER 30: Prince William, Prince of Wales and Catherine, Princess of Wales meet with Mayor Michelle Wu at City Hall on November 30, 2022 in Boston, Massachusetts. The Prince and Princess of Wales are visiting the coastal city of Boston to attend the second annual Earthshot Prize Awards Ceremony, an event which celebrates those whose work is helping to repair the planet. During their trip, which will last for three days, the royal couple will learn about the environmental challenges Boston faces as well as meeting those who are combating the effects of climate change in the area. (Photo by Paul Edwards – Pool/Getty Images)/ Foto: Getty Images/Pool
Sebagai calon Ratu, memakai busana dan aksesori karya desainer dan label dari negaranya jadi salah satu cara bagi Kate Middleton dalam menunjukkan dukungannya terhadap industri mode Inggris. Apalagi sektor fashion juga telah dianggap sebagai salah satu industri yang juga berperan dalam menyokong perekonomian.
Melansir dari laporan yang dirilis British Fashion Council, industri fashion Inggris selama 2021 berhasil meraup pendapatan hingga 118 miliar Pound sterling dan menyumbang 35 miliar Pound sterling akan GDP (Gross Domestic Product) Inggris sebelum pandemi.
 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS – NOVEMBER 30: Catherine, Princess of Wales and Prince William, Prince of Wales arrive at Logan International Airport on November 30, 2022 in Boston, Massachusetts. The Prince and Princess of Wales are visiting the coastal city of Boston to attend the second annual Earthshot Prize Awards Ceremony, an event which celebrates those whose work is helping to repair the planet. During their trip, which will last for three days, the royal couple will learn about the environmental challenges Boston faces as well as meeting those who are combating the effects of climate change in the area. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)/ Foto: Getty Images/Chris Jackson
Kedatangan Pangeran William dan Kate Middleton ke Amerika Serikat sendiri untuk Amerika Serikat dalam rangka menghadiri acara Earthshot Prize. Sebuah program yang diinisiasi oleh Pangeran William.
Ini adalah kunjungan ketiga kali mereka ke Amerika Serikat setelah sebelumnya pada tahun 2011 dan 2014.
Dari segi gaya tak banyak perubahan memang pada gaya Kate Middleton. Namun dengan statusnya sebagai Princess of Wales, Kate tampak jadi lebih sering memakai perhiasan.
 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS – NOVEMBER 30: Catherine, Princess of Wales arrives at Logan International Airport on November 30, 2022 in Boston, Massachusetts. The Prince and Princess of Wales are visiting the coastal city of Boston to attend the second annual Earthshot Prize Awards Ceremony, an event which celebrates those whose work is helping to repair the planet. During their trip, which will last for three days, the royal couple will learn about the environmental challenges Boston faces as well as meeting those who are combating the effects of climate change in the area. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)/ Foto: Getty Images/Chris Jackson
Seperti kala mendarat di Boston, ia memakai anting berlian safir yang diketahui merupakan milik Putri Diana.
Melansir dari Page Six, anting tersebut diberikan Pangeran William pada Kate tak lama setelah mereka resmi menikah pada 2011 lalu.
Klik halaman selanjutnya untuk melihat gaya Kate Middleton saat tur Kate Middleton pada 2011.